Learn how to make Starbuck's famous Mocha Frappuccino coffee drink without using unhealthy syrups and other bad ingredients. This recipe is Paleo, Vegan and has a low-carb option.

Here's my healthy homemade version of Starbuck's famous Mocha Frappuccino!
My version is Paleo-friendly and is completely free of those unhealthy syrups and other sweeteners Starbucks uses in their blended ice coffee drinks. Eliminating some of those unhealthy ingredients does not affect the flavor!
Replicating the flavor of the original Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino was a must and I think I did pretty good with this recipe. The only thing you may notice is that the whipped cream on top is not as sweet as the original.
To make the whipped cream, I used a can of full fat coconut milk to keep this recipe dairy-free. I didn't add any sweetener to it, and I just whipped the cream until fluffy (watch video or follow the instructions in the recipe).
If you can eat dairy, I also recommend topping your coffee with heavy whipped cream made from grass-fed cows which is another great source of fat and nutrients. Skipping the whipped cream altogether is also perfectly fine if you prefer to do that.
Starbucks usually adds some kind of milk to their Frappuccinos and in my recipe, I chose to use almond butter and water instead. Combining these two ingredients is like adding homemade almond milk to your coffee!
So there you have it... A delicious cold drink for these upcoming warm summer days with a strong coffee flavor, and a creamy and icy texture that is guilt-free ☺
P.S. Want to try more healthier refreshing cold drinks? Try my strawberry milkshake and the mango smoothie next!
🎥 Watch the recipe video
Mocha Frappuccino Recipe (Vegan, Paleo)
- 4 teaspoons organic espresso powder
- 3 tablespoons almond butter
- 2 tablespoons raw cacao powder
- 2 tablespoons raw honey, or any sweetener of your choice*
- ⅔ cup water
- 2 cups ice
- coconut cream **, or heavy cream
- dark chocolate, melted
- homemade caramel sauce, click for recipe
- Add to a blender the espresso powder, almond butter, cacao powder, honey, followed by the water and ice.
- Blend for a few seconds until the ice is crushed and everything is combined.
- If desired, top your coffee with coconut whipped cream, melted chocolate, homemade caramel sauce and some cacao nibs.