It's so nice to meet you!
I’m Adriana and my goal is to add more delicious food to your world than you ever dreamed possible by showing you how to cook healthy meals and decadent desserts using nutrient-rich ingredients so you can live a more balanced, happier life.
This means, I’m here to guide you towards your healthiest and most balanced selves.
To me, healthy means learning what the right foods are for your own unique body which will nurture your health and help to regain your happiness, energy, and vitality.
The results – You’ll look better, feel better, and perform better.
Making changes to your diet and lifestyle is imperative for regaining a healthy body and the life you love. Having a clean diet nourishes your mind, body, and soul, and it’s much more than a diet. It’s a template that guides you toward your healthiest and most‐balanced self. When you go Paleo or Vegan, you learn to eat whole foods designed for your own unique body while mimicking the diet of our hunter-gatherer ancestors. You also learn to manage stress and make time for sleep and exercise. These changes transform your body and life, giving you health, happiness, energy, and vitality.
What you don’t do is give up on indulging your natural craving for treats. The genetic makeup of the human body has changed very little from our hunter‐gatherer ancestors, and even they had a sweet tooth. Therefore, the only nutritional approach that helps you stay strong, lean, and healthy is to consume a diet rich in essential minerals and vitamins and free of processed modern foods. My recipes help you do just that without depriving yourself.
Whether your goal is to lose weight, look your best, improve your family’s health, or simply discover the healthy alternatives to sugar‐ and chemical‐ laden junk foods, my website is the resource you’ve been waiting for. Here I try to inspire and guide you so you too can reach your health goals. I give you my best cooking tips and healthy recipes so you can enjoy life more without having to deprive yourself of your favorite foods.
Like many of you, I struggled my whole life with sugar cravings that were impossible to control. In my late 20’s I developed stomach and joint problems, and today I live free of inflammation (click here to learn about me and what I went through). Here I also share other information that I’ve learned and that have helped me maintain good health.
- All of my recipes are free of refined and processed ingredients. None of them contain gluten, grains, soy, industrial vegetable oils, or refined sugars.
- My website is full of my dessert recipes because of my love for baking and sweets, but I also share other types of recipes from time to time.
- Every product I use and recommend is organic and non-GMO.
- When any of my recipes call for dairy (few do) like butter or cream, I use products that are made from pastured, grass-fed animals. Food quality matters. It makes a big difference on how it affects your body and how you feel. And you if have an allergy for dairy I offer substitutions.
- All of my dessert recipes are made with healthy ingredients, but they’re still treats and I believe they should be part of special occasions and not eaten everyday. I believe the bulk of calories consumed daily should come from healthy fats, protein and veggies. Replacing meals with treats or indulging in desserts on a daily basis is NOT OK in my mind, even if these treats are made with wholesome ingredients. I love chocolate as you can tell, and I do think it’s a healthy food. Eating high cacao dark chocolate with a minimum 80% cacao content on a daily basis is part of my life. It doesn’t raise my blood sugar or affect my digestion. And I love how it makes me feel.
I am so happy and thankful for hearing from many of you about how my recipes have opened a new world for you and your family, and how you are so happy you have found my website. Your feedback has been inspiring and humbling, and has changed my life!
I want to help you as much as I can, and I am committed to bringing you the very best of what I’m learning. I want to show you step by step, how simple and nutritious ingredients can be combined in so many ways to create delicious, healthier meals and treats.
If you have a health conditions you’re struggling with, I would like to help you. What are your struggles and frustrations? Also, if you have any special requests or suggestions, please leave your comment below. I want to make sure I’m doing a good job serving you, so please let me know. I love hearing from you!
♥, Adriana