Hi Everyone.
I just wanted to give thanks to YOU today. I’m so grateful for your support.
See this photo?

This is a photo my husband took of me last week happy and at peace once again.
Your support has allowed me to grow and feel fulfilled. I’m fulfilled for knowing that I am contributing beyond myself. My mission to serve others is finally coming true and I am happy again ☺
A few months ago I was struggling with depression and anxiety. This suffering went on for a really long time until I finally had the courage to make a change.
For many years I had a job that didn’t fulfill my life’s dream to give and serve others. This job was holding me back from being myself everyday. It got to the point that my relationship with my friends and family was impacted in a negative way and something had to change.
Making the big decision to quit my full time job as an Oceanographer to share my passion for cooking, health and wellness is the best decision I’ve made.
Every message I read from you, and all the kind words I receive weekly make this all worthwhile and give me the confidence to know that I made the right decision.
Only a month after quitting my job and not knowing where my next check would come from, I got the most unexpected phone call from a big publisher asking me if I wanted to write a book/cookbook.
My first thought was: “ME? Are you calling the right person? Is this a scam?”
It wasn’t scam, and they wanted ME to write a book for them!
I was scared! English is not my first language and writing has never been my thing. But I did it!! I wrote the entire book myself these last few months and the publisher loves it!
YOU GUYS made all this happen…
YOU have changed my life and I am so grateful for having you be part of my little world on LivingHealthyWithChocolate.com.
THANK YOU! THANK YOU for helping my dreams come true ☺
The book is called Paleo Desserts for Dummies and is available on Amazon.
This is much more than a cookbook. It also includes some of what I've learned over the years through extensive research about healing the body with food and lifestyle choices. Hope you check it out and love it!
P.S. Here’s one of my favorite and most motivating quotes:
“Working hard and struggling for years and decades doing something we do not love, do not see as our true expression, and do not see as part of our vision for our ideal future is a loss not a win, a sad compromise not a contribution.” – by Brendon Burchard